We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of content on our website.

Below, you’ll find a few recommendations to help make your browsing experience more accessible:

If you have trouble seeing web pages, the US Social Security Administration offers these tips for optimizing your computer and browser to improve your online experience.

• Use your computer to read web pages out loud 
• Use the keyboard to navigate screens 
• Increase text size 
• Magnify your screen 
• Change background and text colors 
• Make your mouse pointer more visible (Windows only)

If you are looking for mouse and keyboard alternatives, speech recognition software such as Dragon Naturally Speaking may help you navigate web pages and online services. This software allows the user to move focus around a web page or application screen through voice controls.

If the recommendations above do not meet your needs, we invite you to contact us for assistance.

Welcome To
Journey of Wellness Natural Medicine Center
Serving Decatur, GA & Surrounding Communities
Dr. Tawainna Houston operates Journey of Wellness Natural Medicine Center, LLC as a natural and holistic health and wellness medical consultation practice that specializes in providing natural forms of disease management and prevention services.
The doctor spends extensive time providing a comprehensive health assessment, patient education, nutritional consultations, and so much more. Now accepting new patients.TAWAINNA HOUSTON, ND, MDIV.
Dr. T. Houston is Board Certified by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners, she serves as a Licensed Naturopathic Physician, author, educator, and public speaker. She is the owner of Journey of Wellness Natural Medicine Center where she specializes in providing natural forms of disease management and prevention services to her patients. Accessibility. programs